Selasa, 12 Februari 2013


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PEDOFIL..!!!!PEDOFIL..!!!!!PEDOFIL..., sudah menjadi tren andalan PENGHUJAT ALI SINA ARMY untuk  menghujat Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai seorang pedofilia karena menikah dengan gadis muda bernama Aisyah. Meskipun kita sebagai Muslim berusaha menjelaskan bahwa pernikahan seperti ini adalah lazim dizaman dahulu, namun mereka tidak mau memperdulikan penjelasan kita. Kristen mengatakan
tidak ada pedofilia dalam agama Kristen, namun diartikel ini Anda akan mengetahui dari Ensiklopedia Katholik bahwa Maria (ibunda Yesus) yang diduga berusia
sekitar 12-14 tahun telah dinikahi oleh Yusuf (Joseph)Tukang Kayu yang diduga telah berusia 90 tahun!

Ensiklopedia Katholik
Online :

Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates…that St. Joseph was
an old man at the time of marriage with the Mother of God.
“Maria, kemudian berumur 12 hingga 14 tahun, Yusuf, yang pada waktu itu sedang berumur 90 tahun, pergi ke Yerusalem diantara kandidat-kandidat….. bahwa St. Yusuf adalah seorang lelaki tua pada waktu menikahi ibunya Tuhan.”

Dalam Injil Perjanjian Baru memang dikatakan bahwa Yusuf tidak berhubungan badan dengan Maria ketika ia mengandung Yesus dan Yesus bukan benih dari Yusuf. Tetapi mengenai masalah persetubuhan ini Injil Matius menyatakan :

Injil Matius 1:24-25 TB
“Sesudah bangun dari tidurnya, Yusuf berbuat seperti yang diperintahkan malaikat Tuhan itu kepadanya. Ia mengambil Maria sebagai isterinya, tetapi tidak
bersetubuh dengan dia sampai ia melahirkan anaknya laki-laki dan Yusuf menamakan Dia Yesus”.
Jadi menurut Injil Matius, Yusuf tidak bersetubuh dengan dia sampai Yesus lahir. Seandainya Injil Matius hendak menyatakan kepada kita mengenai persetubuhan Yusuf-Maria itu tidak pernah ada selama masa hidup mereka, maka Injil Matiua akan mengatakan :
“dan ia tidak pernah bersetubuh dengan dia” atau “dan ia sama sekali tidak pernah bersetubuh dengan dia”.

Bukan :
“tetapi tidak bersetubuh dengan dia sampai ia melahirkan” (Matius 1:25).
Jadi menurut Injil Matius 1:25, Yusuf hanya tidak bersetubuh dengan Maria saat ia hamil. Atau dengan kata lain, Yusuf bersetubuh setelah Maria melahirkan
Yesus, yang artinya Yusuf bersetubuh dengan seorang wanita berusia 13-15 tahun.
Jika PENGHUJAT ALI SINA ARMY menyatakan kriteria pedofilia adalah berhubungan seks dengan pasangan dibawah usia 17 tahun artinya pasangan suci ini (sebagaimana kepercayaan kristen) telah menjalin dan melakukan hubungan pedofilia. Selain itu, kita dapat pula menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada batasan umur pernikahan dalam literatur kitab suci Kristen sekalipun, contohnya adalah Maria yang dinikahi Yusuf pada usia 12-14 tahun.

History of Joseph the Carpenter
3. Now when righteous Joseph became a widower, my mother Mary, blessed,holy, and pure, was already twelve years old. For her parents offered her
in the temple when she was three years of age, and she remained in the temple of the Lord nine years. Then when the priests saw that the virgin, holy and
God-fearing, was growing up, they spoke to each other, saying: Let us search out a man, righteous and pious, to whom Mary may be entrusted until the time
of her marriage; lest, if she remain in the temple, it happen to her as is wont to happen to women, and lest on that account we sin, and God be angry with
4. Therefore they immediately sent out, and assembled twelve old men of the tribe of Judah. And they wrote down the names of the twelve tribes of
Israel. And the lot fell upon the pious old man, righteous Joseph. Then the priests answered, and said to my blessed mother: Go with Joseph, and be with
him till the time of your marriage. Righteous Joseph therefore received my mother, and led her away to his own house. And Mary found James the Less in
his father’s house, broken-hearted and sad on account of the loss of his mother, and she brought him up. Hence Mary was called the mother of James.[1]
Thereafter Joseph left her at home, and went away to the shop where he wrought at his trade of a carpenter. And after the holy virgin had spent two years
in his house her age was exactly fourteen years, including the time at which he received her.
CHAP. 8.–Now there was among the rest Joseph, of the house and family of David, a man of great age: and when all brought there rods, according to the order,
he alone withheld his. Wherefore, when nothing in conformity with the divine voice appeared, the high priest thought it necessary to consult God a second
time; and He answered, that of those who had been designated, he alone to whom the virgin ought to be espoused had not brought his rod. Joseph, therefore,
was found out. For when he had brought his rod, and the dove came from heaven; and settled upon the top of it, it clearly appeared to all that he was the
man to whom the virgin should be espoused. Therefore, the usual ceremonies of betrothal having been gone through, he went back to the city of Bethlehem
to put his house in order, and to procure things necessary for the marriage. But Mary, the virgin of the Lord, with seven other virgins of her own age,
and who had been weaned at the same time, whom she had received from the priest, returned to the house of her parents in Galilee.
Injil James
VIII. 1 And her parents gat them down marveling, and praising the Lord God because tile child was not turned away backward.
And Mary was in the temple of the Lord as a dove that is nurtured: and she received food from the hand of an angel.
2 And when she was twelve years old, there was a council of the priests, saying: Behold Mary is become twelve years old in the temple of the Lord. What
then shall we do with her ? lest she pollute the sanctuary of the Lord. And they said unto the high priest: Thou standest over the altar of the Lord. Enter
in and pray concerning her: And whatsoever the Lord shall reveal to thee, that let us do.
3 And the high priest took the vestment with the twelve bells and went in unto the Holy of Holies and prayed concerning her. And lo, an angel of tile Lord
appeared saying unto him: Zacharias, Zacharias~ go forth and assemble them that are widowers of the people, and let them bring every man a rod, and to
whomsoever the Lord shall show a sign, his wife shall she be. And the heralds went forth over all the country round about Judaea, and the trumpet of the
Lord sounded, and all men ran thereto.
IX. 1 And Joseph cast down his adze and ran to meet them, and when they were gathered together they went to the high priest and took their rods with them.
And he took the rods of them all and went into the temple and prayed. And when he had finished the prayer he took the rods and went forth and gave them
back to them: and there was no sign upon them. But Joseph received the last rod: and 1o, a dove came forth of the rod and flew upon the bead of Joseph.
And the priest said unto Joseph: Unto thee hath it fallen to take the virgin of the Lord and keep her for thyself. 2 And Joseph refused, saying: I have
sons, and I am an old man, but she is a girl: lest I became a laughing-stock to the children of Israel. And the priest said unto Joseph: Year the Lord
thy God, and remember what things God did unto Dathan and Abiram and Korah, how the earth clave and they were swallowed up because of their gainsaying.
And now fear thou, Joseph, lest it be so in thine house. And Joseph was afraid, and took her to keep her for himself. And Joseph said unto Mary: Lo, I
have received thee out of the temple of the Lord: and now do I leave thee in my house, and I go away to build my buildings and I will come again unto thee.
The Lord shall watch over thee.

Salah satu Penghujat ALI SINA ARMY mencoba berdalih bahwa ketika yusuf dan maria menikah pada masa itu adalah lazim sementara masa pernikahan Nabi Muhammad SAW sudah berdiri HAM, sungguh kebohongan sesungguhnya mereka malu dan tidak bisa berbuat apa apa untuk menyanggah hal itu.

sumber :

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